Sunday, March 22, 2015

Have courage. Be kind. Believe in Magic.

Yesterday I, along with a friend, took my daughter to see "Cinderella". Along with the gorgeous setting and extravagant costumes, the movie itself brought with it some beautiful lessons. We all know the story of Cinderella. I think my favorite line from this cinematic gem was when Cinderella met the Prince for the first time. They were discussing their trades and he asked her if the people she worked for treated her with kindness. Her response was epic. She said, "They treat me as kind as they are able." Beauty and love permeated from the truth of her words. As magic transformed a pumpkin into a magnificent carriage I pondered the subtle truth of Cinderella's words.

We coexist in a world with so many different types of people. We do life with loved ones who are so so very unique. We all have experienced someone in our life is who is blatantly cruel. Whether it be a fellow driver on the road, a beloved family member or heaven forbid we ourselves have been guilty of being cruel to someone we have all experienced this heartache and often times are left feeling betrayed, resentful and angry. What I have learned through these afflictions of the soul are that how people treat us have nothing to do with us. Always. So yes, when I am angry with my husband for something I am seeing myself in him. And what I see I don't like. So I react out of fear. These people to most would be considered brutal and unlovable. I believe these are the souls that need the most love and the most grace extended to them. For they are not unlovable. They are loving at the only capacity that they are able. We don't know what life has handed them. We must hold space for them in hopes that just maybe through our smile or kind word they will see a part of themselves that has been hidden by an emotional wall that they themselves have built as a way of protection. We must always choose love over fear. It's not always easy. Some days I don't know where the strength will come from, but what I do know for sure is that kindness and compassion always wins. Everyone in this beautiful life deserves to feel this love. When we have the courage to love miracles happen. It has the ability to break through the hardest of hearts and what is left is an open heart that is ready to be filled with pure grace and light. This unconditional love is magic. Not only will it help the soul of one who is struggling it will leave the soul of the giver altered. For when you are the one in need of this unmerited favor you will remember the moment that you were extended compassion and you will once again be reminded of the power of the simple truth that we are all doing the best that we can navigating our way through this life and that good resides in all souls. It will bring you home to the truth of your nature. You are good. So good. You are worthy. You are kind. We all are. Even the woman who cursed at me on the road today. She is someone's daughter. She is someone's friend. She may even be someone's wife or mother. And I am sure she is the light in their life. I saw her light today. I smiled as I passed by her. I did this because I hope to receive that same empathy the next time I snarl at someone on the road.  And I will. Wayne Dyer says, "Love is my gift to the world. I fill myself with love, and I send that love out into the world. How others treat me is their path; how I react is mine." Truer words have never been spoken. As Cinderella's young mother was dying she asked Cinderella to promise to have courage, to be kind and to always believe in magic. For I think being kind is the most magically courageous thing we could ever do in this life. Let us never tire of extending this gentleness. When we do will create a world where kindness will always reside and that is pure magic. Let us believe in this kind of world!


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