Thursday, April 9, 2015

a few lessons i have learned

In a couple of weeks I will be celebrating my 29th year on this earth. I remember as a child I felt like the time in between each year felt like centuries and now that my last year in my twenties quickly approaches I chuckle at that thought. I also find the humor in the fact that as a wee one I never imagined myself being 29. Isn't that funny? I knew people in their 20's, but I just never thought that I would make it there. I forged my way here and through my journey on this earth I have learned so many invaluable lessons. Some learned through circumstance, others learned from those that loved me a long the way, but most of these lessons I learned were from my mistakes and poor decisions that seemed brilliant at the time. I would like to share 29 lessons I have learned while being here. I also want to let you know that I have not fully committed to listing only 29. ;)

1. The word "old" should be removed from the English language. I remember as a child thinking that 30 was sooooooooo old. So naturally that left my folks with the title of "Crypt Keeper". Age is more a state of mind than it is a number. If you see yourself as a senile, feeble, ill person that is what you will be. But if you see yourself as a young and vibrant soul that is exactly what will ooze from your very youthful pores. :)

2. The sun always comes back out. Every storm is followed by the glorious warmth of sunshine. Always. "This too shall pass" has become a mantra of hope in my home. I know that whatever I am going through I have faith knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and that I just need to surrender, let go and learn my lessons. When I resist the lessons it's much harder and they always show up in another way to make sure that I learn them. :) It is much easier to just surrender from the get go. That is one of those lessons I learned the hard way.

3. Take the time to wash your face every night. If your eyes aren't glued shut and you are able to actually pry them open you will look at yourself and wonder if you belong on the set of the "Hangover" movie.

4. Cry. Writhe. Shriek. Scream. Throw a fit. Someone once said, "Tears are lubrication for the soul." It is so important that we release negative emotions. If we do not these emotions will take over our health. My father lived his entire life with a broken heart. His heart was so very broken. He quieted the pain at the expense of his liver. He died of a massive heart attack at the YOUNG and VIBRANT age of 52. Pay attention to your emotions. They are there to teach you and guide you. Let it all out often. With puffy eyes you will see clearly. You will feel renewed.

5. Overalls should be outlawed. FOREVER. If you are curious about this statement please ask. I would love to share the story.

6. Since we are talking about fashion ALL of the jelly shoes should be burned. And if anyone purchases them they should be forced to wear overalls and only overalls for 2 weeks. If you are curious please refer to #5.

7. Declutter often. I love decluttering. I love organizing. Is it because I am OCD? No. Well, maybe just a little. This simple act is my way of showing gratitude for all the things that I have been blessed with. When I clear my home I am also creating space for more abundance!

8. Do NOT. I repeat DO NOT fall asleep hunched over your toilet for 3 hours because you're drunk. If you do happen to do this and wake up the next morning sore rest assured that you are not having a heart attack. YOU ARE BRUISED. Friendly tip from one of my best friends: If you are so drunk that you feel the sleepies waging war on your body find a sweatshirt that you can roll up and place under your chest.

9.  Indulge in self love. You are worthy. Do something you love. Find out what inspires you and do it. On purpose!

10. We all have a guardian angel and a host of other angels watching over us and guiding us. We simply just have to invoke their help and they will show up. Every time.

11. Eat what makes you happy. If meal time becomes boring and you don't like what you are eating that is not good for you! If we cook our food at home we can pretty much enjoy to eat whatever we want. I am sure most people will disagree with this idea. I believe energy affects us. If we are happy and elated to eat mashed potatoes our body will be happy. Simple as that.

12. Be naked. I love being naked. I have learned to love the bumpy, stretch marked, curves of my body. I am a woman! No one is like me. My body birthed and fed a child. My body is sensual and nurturing all at the same time. My body is powerful! I encourage each of you to strip down and bare it all! And walk your hot ass over to the mirror and check yourself out!

13. Be confident!

14. Look inside. All the love and acceptance that we seek from others is already in us. We simply have to look. We are powerful and Divine.

15. Meditate. Spend 15 minutes every day in quiet. Shut your eyes and focus on your breath. As you breathe in let your belly fill with air and on the out breath let it contract. Be slow and deliberate with this. Clear your mind and be aware of the sensations in your body. Let them wash over you and if you find yourself wondering about the open bag of stale chips in the back of your cupboard that may or may not have aided in the creation of a large family of rats return to your breath. :)

16. While having sex in the ocean seems like a completely sexy and romantic idea it is not. NEWSFLASH: There is still sand in the water. This lesson is brought to you by one of those times that the thought of having sex in the ocean was a brilliant idea.

17. Choose love over fear. And love fiercely!

18. Don't be afraid of anchovies! They are a lovely replacement of salt in so many recipes! Make friends with the anchovy.

19. Cook without a recipe.

20. LOVE is love. Be authentic with who you love. This life is short. Fill it with the people who love you for your crazy beautiful self!

21. If you are in a committed relationship with another soul you will understand that they will drive you bat shit crazy from time to time. Sometimes on a daily basis. What I have learned is that I am on my own journey and my partner is on his own journey. I must hold space for him and let him learn at the pace that he is able. For if I try to control it he will lose his power. I desire to be a source of inspiration and empowerment for my husband.

22. Do yin yoga. If you don't know what it is Google that shit.

23. Make love to everything to do in this life.

24. Bless your inner child. Don't ever forget about her/him. Look to her for inspiration. Look to him for the simplistic joy of living in the now.

25. Laugh and do it often. Be silly. Dance to Taylor Swift in the parking lot of Trader Joe's. Roll all the windows down and just "Shake it Off'.

26. Make affirmations.

27. If your find a pair of jeans that make your ass look like someone should eat chocolate off of it buy those damn things in every color! Feel good in your clothes! If you like it wear it.

28. I hate bras and I loathe underwear. So I don't wear them. It's more than that for me though. It makes me aware of my body. And I have learned how so very important that is.

29. Be happy. No matter what the energy is like around you we have the power to be happy. It is our birthright! We deserve all the wonderful things this beautiful life has to offer! There is enough goodness to go around for everyone! Move in love and grace and like I have said before miracles happen!

Almost 29 and couldn't be more excited!
